My favorite month of the year! "Falling" into autumn... and my favorite photos of the year: pumpkin patch photos! This year, Ainsley was happy to oblige my mild obsession to get that perfect photo... AJ, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with my quest.
Thank you for considering me to photograph your family! I know portraits of your loved ones are priceless. I'm an on-location and studio portrait photographer specializing in lifestyle and wedding photography.
While I have always been interested in photography, I became more serious in my study after becoming a mother of two girls. After dragging my girls on several trips to various chain studios for portraits, I became dissatisfied by the quality of service provided as well as the resulting photographs. Everything felt so rushed and so posed! I rarely purchased a picture that really captured who my girls are.
I began to record my family's adventures and it was not long before others took notice. After receiving many compliments about my work and requests for portraits, Heidi Bird Photography was born.
I looking forward to the opportunity to work with you!